I've really been loving neutral Christmas trees, and these DIY wood ornaments fit perfectly with the rest of my Christmas tree decor!
You won't even spend 5 minutes making them and they definitely look more expensive than they are.
The only materials you need are these 3:
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To make them, I started by cutting 10 inch pieces (you can use a different length for different size ornaments).
I used my drill to make a small hole in the middle of the pieces, as well as 1\2 in from each end.
I cut a 8 inch piece of wire and threaded a bead through one end. I then twisted that end and threaded the wire through middle hole in the pieces of edge banding.
Once they were all in place, I started threading the wire through the edge holes.
Finally, I slid the end pieces a little bit along the wire to form a sphere and slid another wooden bead through the wire to make sure the pieces of edge banding don't move.
I twisted the very end of the wire to form a loop and my DIY wooden ornament was ready to be hung on my beautiful neutral Christmas tree!