Christmas season is here and I'm having so much fun decorating, singing Deck the Halls over and over, and trying to decide which Old Navy Christmas pajamas we're gonna get this year (I love these ones)
I went with red Christmas decorations for our big tree this year. Specifically, red Christmas bows that made the tree look so classy and perfect. I looked up and down for the perfect satin bows in a rick burgundy color but I could not find what I was looking for, so I decided to make my own.

If you are intimidated by the idea of making them, please know that if you can sew a straight line, you can make these bows.
I found the perfect shade of satin fabric and got 3 yards. It ended up being enough for 16 bows that are roughly 9 by 12 inches.
Here's a diagram of how I made them. You can adjust the measurements according to the size of bows you want.

After sewing the two parts, I turned them inside out and used some craft wire to hold them together. I then used a small piece of scrap fabric to cover the wire. I glue that piece using hot glue and rested each bow on a Christmas tree branch.
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The finishing touches were these red berry stems and these hanging acrylic crystals that look so beautiful when the light hits them!

Have you ever tried to make your own ornaments? I'd love to hear about it!